Tuesday, June 20, 2006

ah, glorious day Blue skies and sun, and a whopping 39 degrees-- this day is looking to be good.
On today's agenda:* Researching the open brief. Today I'd like to get all the statutory research-- including a full legislative history work-up-- out of the way. If I can start with digests and case law, too, that would be fantasmic.
* Outlining.
* Office Depot. I love Office Depot. I don't even need school supplies this time (okay, well, maybe some hilighters and more Pilot pens). I do need, however, bubble wrap. My dad left his toolbox here when he and my mom came up in January. His entire, 80-lb toolbox. And now he wants it back. "Just mail it to me," he said. "Do you have any idea how expensive that will be?" I asked. "Just send it in parts, then," he suggested, as if sending it piecemeal will somehow be less expensive. I think I'm just going to get an assload of bubble wrap, take the toolbox into the UPS store, and be like, "Uh... ship this."
* Mo' movie watching. We still have-- American Wedding, Snow Falling on Cedars, and Thirteen.
I think today will be good.


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